Biggest Scam In World History Exposed

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?

By David DeGraw
The Public Record
Dec 10th, 2010

A message from Wikileaks

██ ████ everything ███ █████ is█████ ████ fine ████ ███ ██████ love █████ █ your █ ████ government

Consensus (Direct Democracy @ Occupy Wall Street)

Text and Upload by meerkatmedia on Oct 13, 2011

A look into the "HOW" of the Occupy Wall Street movement: The consensus process.

The community of occupiers at Liberty Plaza have sparked the process of building a movement that now transcends any one physical landmark. The tools to keep the movement alive belong to all of us.

Created by the Meerkat Media Collective. For the last 6 years we've been using consensus decision making in our filmmaking process -


FREE Ai WeiWei: Bringing Chairs to the Chinese Consulate

April 17, 2011 Action at the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco
1001 Chairs for Ai Wei Wei

Read the KQED article about the action by Christian Frock here

Sign a petition calling for the release of Ai WeiWei here

new depleted selves images

It looks like some cool people have been to my depleted selves site. It is like getting an unexpected gift.

They've uploaded images that add texture and a fresh perspective to the project. Here are some of them.

And this is an invitation to go to the depleted selves site to see what it's all about.

Market Fatigues the Elections

My recent piece on Capitalism Is Over! If You Want It about the Sit-Lie law passed in San Francisco on Nov. 2 2010.

Market Fatigue

Market Fatigue
Dan and Cheryl stay in bed and protest the proposed sit-lie law. Part of the event series CAPITALISM IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT

Market Fatigue
Dan and Cheryl
Enacted August 4, 2010
Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco, CA
photo credits: Ishan Clemenco and Carter
roadie & technical assistance: Carter

the world's single biggest consumer of fossil fuels is...?

From Greenwashing the Pentagon by Joseph Nevins, t r u t h o u t , Sunday 13 June 2010

"The U.S. military is the world's single biggest consumer of fossil fuels, and the single entity most responsible for destabilizing the Earth's climate.

The costs of U.S. militarism and war are high and many. In addition to the growing civilian and military death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan, for example, total monies appropriated by Congress for the two wars surpassed the one-trillion-dollar mark on May 30th. Among other would-be purchases, such an enormous sum could provide 294,734,961 people with health care for one year, according to the Northampton, Massachusetts-based national Priorities Project. (1) Instead, the monies are dedicated to death and destruction - all in the name of "national security" - greatly enriching military contractors in the process."

Stretcher interview by Joseph Del Pesco

Stretcher in Conversation from Joseph del Pesco on Vimeo.

Cheryl Meeker and David Lawrence interviewed about Stretcher, July 2010, by Joseph del Pesco, curator


Greek drachma circulated Vers. B, Cheryl Meeker (2010) gouache on paper, 14 x 17 in


Greek drachma circulated Vers.A, Cheryl Meeker (2010) gouache on paper, 14 x 17 in

current exhibition through 7/28/2010

Cheryl Meeker
More Depleted
6/10/2010 – 7/28/2010 at Gallery 1055
Diocesan House

Gallery 1055 at Diocesan House is pleased to present More Depleted, an exhibition of photography and installation by Cheryl Meeker.

More Depleted uses 4x5 photography “anti-portraiture” and written material to educate about and explore the underreported use and effects of depleted uranium in military weaponry. The project seeks to find a way to recognize a relationship between ourselves and people impacted by our government’s policies, children born in Iraq with birth defects purportedly due to exposure to depleted uranium, including some children who are born with no eyes.

Giving individuals a packet of information on the topic and inviting them to collaborate if they feel moved to do so after reading the material, the artist finds those who would like to connect with More Depleted. The project was begun with the involvement of visual artists, for whom the condition of these children is unthinkable. Continuing with the project, new people who are interested are engaged.

Included in the exhibition is a library/archive of reliable and contested literature on the use and effects of depleted uranium, which the artist has gathered and made available to gallery goers. Clark Buckner, curator of the exhibition of Depleted Selves at Mission 17 in 2008 wrote, “This material provokes the questions: what we can confidently take to be true in this internet age, how much do we know about our military's activities, and what information has been withheld?”

More Depleted extends the project in the context of the Episcopal Diocese gallery, with photographs that have not yet been exhibited, and with additions to the archive of written material, including updates on the movements of the Environmental Protection Agency on DU, and the implications of birth defects in Fallujah that have come to light since the last exhibition.

The public may collaborate with this project via an interactive website where one can first become informed about the topic of DU, and then upload an appropriate “anti-portrait.” Suggestions for taking action on the issue are also accessible at this site, as well as a randomly circulating series of photos previously uploaded, including images from the exhibitions. The project website URL is:

In conjunction with the exhibition More Depleted, an event will be held at the Diocese, on July 1, 2010, at 7 pm. A conversation with Gretel Munroe, via Skype from Boston and a recorded interview with Doug Weir from the UK will be an opportunity for those interested to learn more about the topic. An overview of the history and health effects of depleted uranium, new EPA involvement with the issue, and an update on ICBUW’s work with UN resolutions on DU will be included in the discussion.

Gretel Munroe is a graduate of the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Massachusetts/Amherst where she received a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition. She is a Registered Dietitian and a Licensed Nutritionist in the State of Massachusetts. She has taken courses in biochemistry and physics. Gretel is a member of Grassroots Actions for Peace, Concord where Nuclear Metals/Starmet manufactured DU penetrator shells for 25 years. She is a member of the ICBUW Science Team.

Doug Weir is International Coordinator for the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW.) Doug has been Development Worker of the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium since 2005 and ICBUW Coordinator since 2006. He holds degrees in Geology and Journalism.

Cheryl Meeker is a visual artist and writer based in San Francisco who uses 4x5 photography, installation, social sculpture, video, drawing, and the Internet to explore sustenance in a market dominated economy. Her work has been exhibited at Mission 17, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Southern Exposure, and the Oakland Art Museum, and her art writing has been published in NYFA Current, Stretcher, and Art Papers. She is a co-founder and co-publisher of and also works in the collaborative team Dan and Cheryl with Dan Spencer.

Gallery 1055 inside Diocesan House
Episcopal Diocese of California
1055 Taylor Street, San Francisco
gallery hours: 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

The Money Gusher

"Has BP ever made a profit? The question looks daft. The oil company posted profits of $26bn last year(1). There’s no doubt that BP has been pumping money into the pockets of its shareholders. The question is whether this money is what the company says it is. BP calls it profit. I call it the provision the firm should be making against future liabilities." - George Monbiot
The Money Gusher, By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian June 8, 2010

carbon offset certificate - front

Made in collaboration with Mobilization for Climate Justice West for the April 15, 2010 rally to expose carbon trading as a false solution to climate change at "Navigating the American Carbon World", a carbon trading conference at the Marriot Marquis in San Francisco.

carbon offset certificate back

artwork for Southern Exposure Space Odessey 2010

Cheryl Meeker (2010) "Bookstack trading on Tiffany," inkjet on NY Times, unique, 12 x 9.5 inches

the change series

rarely felt joy, photograph, Cheryl Meeker 2009

keep it/350, photograph, Cheryl Meeker 2009

Cheryl and Moblization for Climate Justice West deliver giant letter to the Danish Consulate in San Francisco

Action in solidarity with colleagues, activists, NGOs, developing nations, and civil society shut out of the Copenhagen climate talks:
San Francisco-- Bay Area climate justice organizations delivered a letter of concern and outrage today to the Danish Consulate in San Francisco protesting their holding of climate prisoners, criminalization of activists and and shutting out accredited NGO's from the UN Climate Summit. In addition, a candlelight protest vigil was held Friday Dec. 18 outside the Danish Consulate from 4:30 to 6pm at 1 California St.

A sham agreement: COP15

George Monbiot, The Guardian (UK), 19 December 2009
Copenhagen negotiators bicker and filibuster while the biosphere burns
"Goodbye Africa, goodbye south Asia; goodbye glaciers and sea ice, coral reefs and rainforest. It was nice knowing you. Not that we really cared. The governments which moved so swiftly to save the banks have bickered and filibustered while the biosphere burns."

From Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal:
The so-called “Copenhagen Accord” was pushed by the US and Australia, and sealed in meetings behind closed doors with the leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa. It was announced by Obama late on the evening of December 18, and presented as “final” even before the COP15 delegates had a chance to vote on it. It does not commit governments to interim 2020 carbon emissions-reduction targets, or to legally binding reductions and only expresses a general aim of limiting the global warming increase to 2 degrees Celsius — well above the 1 degree C-1.5 degree C target most delegations were calling for.

Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping, delegation head of the G77 group of developing countries, rejected the accord and vowed to fight it. “Obama, acting the way he did, definitely established that there’s no difference between him and the Bush tradition,” he told Time magazine.

"The commitment by the G8 to contain global temperatures rises to no more than 2 degrees Celsius, implies concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere of around 450 parts per million(ppm), is woefully inadequate." Dr Mohamed Waheed, Vice President of the Republic of Maldives 21/10/2009 10:05
See the rest of Dr. Waheed's piece, Vulnerability and Adaption to Climate Change in the Maldives: Expectations for COP15
1There is no planet B!

December 7, 2009 Chevron Corporate Headquarters, San Ramon, CA

Mobilization for Climate Justice West coalition members practice non-violent civil disobedience on the first day of the Copenhagen Climate talks.

N30 BofA International Day of Action for Climate Justice

Mobilization for Climate Justice allied activists block doors of BofA, the third-biggest corporate financier of the oil & gas industry in the world, the third-biggest corporate financier of the coal industry in the world, and is heavily involved in financing mountaintop removal coal mining. N30 International Day of Action for Climate Justice, Mobilization for Climate Justice West, Bank of America building, California Street, San Francisco.

Big postcard to President Obama at San Francisco 350 Int'l Day of Climate Action near the Ferry Building

"listen to scientists, not carbon polluters", collaboration with David Solnit and the Mobilization for Climate Justice West Coaltion Bay Area Planning Committee, xerox on board,
October 24, 2009